Installing a FKEY into your System file is easy to do.
First, you will need a couple of items: 1) ResEdit v2.1.1, and 2) A willingness
to be adventuress.
Installing a FKEY:
Start by Running ResEdit.
1) Select Open from the File menu. Locate and open the System file.
2) Select Open from the File menu again, only this time locate and open
the SitC Reader FKEY file.
3) Click on the FKEY resource icon in the SitC Reader FKEY file.
4) Select Copy from the Edit menu.
5) Click once in the System window to activate it.
6) Select Paste from the Edit menu.
If all goes well, the FKEY will be pasted into the System file.
If you get an alert see the troubleshooting section below.
7) Select Save from the File menu.
8) Close both files and quit ResEdit.
9) You can now activate the SitC Reader FKEY using the Cmd-Shift-9
key combination.
NOTE: If you had to change the FKEY ID in the Troubleshooting section then
you can activate the SitC Reader FKEY using Cmd-Shift-NewIDNum.
Biggest Problem #1:
You get an alert asking you to replace an existing resource.
You already have a FKEY occupying the number position the SitC Reader FKEY
requires. To correct this problem:
1) Cancel the alert.
2) Select the FKEY resource icon in the System file.
3) Select Open from the file window to open the FKEY picker.
4) See what FKEY positions are empty.
5) Select the SitC Reader FKEY window to activate.
6) Select the FKEY resource icon in the SitC Reader FKEY file.
7) Select Open from the file window to open the FKEY picker.
8) Select the FKEY resource with the ID#9.
9) Select Get Info from the File menu.
10) In the resource ID field, enter the number of the empty FKEY position
you found in Step 4.
11) Close the Get Info and FKEY picker windows.
12) Select Save from the File menu.
13) Try to install the FKEY again using the steps described in Installing a FKEY.
Any comments or suggestions on the SitC Reader FKEY can be sent to:
L. Frank Turovich
Sentient Fruit™ Software
623 W. Guadalupe Rd, #276
Mesa, AZ 85210
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